Use your screen readers navigation commands to explore these pages, find new things, solve the puzzles, and finally escape by completing the last task.
On a computer with JAWS or NVDA, use the letter H to navigate by headings, and the numbers 1 to 6 to navigate by different heading levels. On an iOS device, set your rotor to headings and then swipe up and down to skip by heading.
Don't worry if you get a puzzle wrong, you can always have another go, you are never locked in forever!
To complete a puzzle, read the question and then select the answer which you decide on. YOu will get instant feedback letting you know if you are wrong or you will be moved on to the next puzzle if you are correct.
I can move faster then a cheetah, I rush from left to right, I fill up spaces which are dry, and run all through the day and night. What Am I?
Use your screen reader to find all the letters with heading level 3 in the alphabet below, then unscramble the letters into a word that is the next clue.
To complete the next puzzle, you need to win our Hangman game. Please click below to get started. Don't worry if you don't win on your first try, you can always have another go!
After you complete your challenge on our Hangman website, you will automatically get sent back to our escape room.
You see a boat filled with people.
It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat.
Why? Hint: look at the picture below for a clue!
They jumped into the water all together just for the heck of it!
They were all marred by a giant whale!
They're all married